Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Baby Talk

Last month I was travelling to Delhi with my daughter.

As we were being transferred via the transit bus to our aircraft, the bus came to stop in front of a plane.

Avni is all happy and excited to see the plane.

She looks at the plane, turns to me and says "Dada, look plane nose"

She then again points to the plane and says "Dada, look plane eyes"

After which she gazes at the plane with quizzical expression for some time, turns towards me and asks "Dada, where plane teeth?"

Is the human brain wired to see everything from a single lens or we train it to find a reflection of ourselves in all objects?
I wonder, is this the reason we are so disdainful & inhuman towards anything - animate or inanimate - which is not US?


sudip bhattacharya said...

once i read in a book called "the art of looking sideways" that we try to look for human faces in everything. i always thought grown ups do because they are dumb, now i'm scared if avni is trying to do the same. there's a problem with our race. we are so self obsessed.

Anonymous said...

it is a natural instinct.

we look for things familiar. hence the zodiac, and the man on the moon.

feddabonn said...

really curious, though. what did you tell her?

Fictitioustruth said...

Actually there was no need for me to answer. She just said "dada plane mouth close" and then showed me the arms and the legs

Anonymous said...

if she was first exposed to the concept "airplane cockpit windows" before being exposed to the concept "eyes", perhaps she would have reversed the connection....pegging new info to what we already know is one of the most efficient ways of connecting the dots of life...its just a question of what we know first..